optimize your health and performance.
Learn physiological and psychological strategies to improve mood, reduce anxiety, enhance focus, and build resilience.
START HERE ContactClinical Health, Sport and Performance Psychologist
A select clientele of elite athletes, portfolio managers and traders, as well as business leaders consult with Dr. Lagos to identify and implement a multi-dimensional plan to optimize health and performance. Dr. Lagos consults with peak performers around the world to navigate the demanding pressures of performance, as well as life’s most critical moments, with precision and effectiveness.
Neil deGrasse Tyson interviews Dr. Lagos about HRV Biofeedback for peak health and performance.TIM FERRISS
Tim Ferriss discusses the utility of HRV training and describes his work with Dr. Lagos.ALSO SEEN IN

HRV Biofeedback
This is a scientific and systematic process to build the heart and helps to improve mood, reduce anxiety, decrease muscle tension, and enhance focus.
Sport & Performance Psychology
Athletes, performing artists, business executives, as well as CEO’s learn evidence based techniques to enhance performance.
Health Psychology
Scientific strategies to optimize sleep, improve mood, regulate anxiety and enhance specific health conditions.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
An integrative approach to help you address the invariable challenges that come up in life so that you can achieve your personal health and performance goals.
Corporate Consulting
Training for executive leadership teams, hedge funds, and fortune 500 companies to optimize energy, communication, focus, resilience, objective decision-making, and responding at peak under pressure.Dr.Leah Lagos is an extraordinary being. I’ve never known a greater empath. I’ve also had the good fortune of observing up close her HRV biofeedback training with elite mental performers. The vast majority have described the experience as some version of life-changing, and I’ve been blown away by the immense performance benefits.
“I learned to let go and can now shift my stress level, at will, using the tools that Dr. Lagos taught me. The work I’ve done with Dr. Lagos has changed my life, not only on stage but also off the stage. I find myself expanding and pushing myself into new territories.”
Dr. Lagos was there for me and my team at the University of Miami from day one. She took the time to understand my needs as a coach as well as the challenges that faced our players. She is not only a good listener, but a problem solver who helped to create solutions.”
Driven by Empathy and experience
More than 15 years of helping others perform at their peak
Leah Lagos, Psy.D., B.C.B. is an internationally renowned health and performance psychologist specializing in heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback. In addition to consulting at the annual NFL scouting combine and providing onsite support on multiple PGA tours, she works with elite performers in sports, entertainment, medicine, and business—from CEOs and hedge fund managers to Olympians, surgeons, and ballerinas.
Above all, Dr. Lagos is a concerned, compassionate, and caring psychologist who combines biofeedback and psychological strategies to help clients achieve optimal performance in health and life.
Learn More About Dr. LagosConsult with Dr. Lagos to:
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Turn off the busy brain
- Conquer negative thoughts and emotions
- Navigate challenges with precision
- Increase physical stamina and mental endurance
- Enhance focus and attention
- Improve sleep quality and duration
- Achieve mental clarity
- Recover faster from stressors

Ready to optimize your performance?
Heart Breath Mind: Train Your Heart to
Conquer Stress and Achieve Success
The key to peak performance can be yours when you learn to recognize the link between your heart’s rhythms and the stress you experience.
With clinically tested exercises to amplify heart rate variability and strengthen mental clarity, Dr. Leah Lagos can teach you to control your body’s physical response to anxiety and achieve your best in sports, career, relationships, and life.
Learn More About the BookThe book Heart Breath Mind is available in hardcover, ebook,
and audiobook editions, wherever books are sold.

Heart Breath Mind Training on the Go
Clinical health & sport psychology expert Dr. Leah Lagos has developed an insights-driven program for Elite HRV, Heart Rate Variability app for building resilience and performing at your peak.